Coronavirus/COVID-19 important links to Resources and announcements

Please note that information changes daily. Most of these links take you directly to the source where they are updating moment by moment. Check back often. KYMN has arranged this page as Local, County, State and National, in that order.

A quick look:

5-11-20 Rice County reports 2nd death: Second COVID-19 Death in Rice County

5-7-20  On Tuesday, May 5, Three Links was notified of a positive case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) with an employee at the Cottage on Forest at 811 Forest Avenue in Northfield.  Read the full press release: COVID-For-ConfirmedCase-Press-Release-5-7-20
5-7-20 Rice County Covid-19 Update: Increase in Rice County COVID-19 Cases 5-7-20

5-7-20 MDH with information on dealing with anxiety and stress due to Covid-19 during this Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health Awareness Month focuses on tools for reducing stress and anxiety during COVID-19 

5-6-20 CDC Reopening guidelines: Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes _ CDC

5-1-20 ‘Mayo Clinic Anxiety Coach’ e-tool to help children with mental health concerns 

4-25-20 New guidelines on outdoor recreation facilities from the MN DNR

Minnesota Dept. of Health – this takes you to the full site where you can navigate to all the various information including the Daily Situation Update.  Videos for coronavirus Covid-19 response. COVID-19 Public Hotline Health questions:
651-201-3920 or 1-800-657-3903, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.     Schools and child care questions:
651-297-1304 or 1-800-657-3504, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

CDC Information for Households

4-30-20 CDC on Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes

CDC has new guidance for Households Living in Close Quarters, such as people who share a small apartment, or for people who live in the same household with large or extended families.

People are facing new challenges and questions about how to meet basic household needs, such as buying groceries and medicine, banking, getting gas, and more. Running Essential Errands provides advice about how to meet these household needs in a safe and healthy manner.

Gov. Walz Executive Orders from the start to today regarding Covid-19 orders – more information is listed below

Rice County Public Health Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)   


City of Northfield Covid-19 information

Three Rivers Energy Assistance: PSA – Energy Assistance Available (1)

Northfield area residents, roundabout construction starts soon: Sign up for TH 246 and Jefferson Parkway Roundabout Project updates

Taking care of groceries

Northfield Hospital & clinics link to Covid-19 information

Northfield Area Chamber of Commerce for business information

Northfield Public Schools District 659   for their COVID-19 updates page

Northfield Community Action Center for their community response and other information

Northfield YMCA  for childcare updates

Northfield Shares for their Volunteer Hub and/or request for help


4-27-20 Rice County Covid-19 helpline number and more information: Rice County COVID-19 Helpline Number

4-22-20 MDH gives $55 million in SNAP supplements: Emergency food aid will help 250,000 Minnesotans

4-16-20 Applying for a Marriage license: Applying for a Marriage License – Rice County


4-28-20 Univ. of MN Ext. : Dealing with Sudden Income Loss During COVID-19

4-16-20 Sen. Amy Klobuchar on helping Rural Communities during the pandemic: Amy Klobuchar Releases Plan to Prepare For and Respond to the Coronavirus in Rural America

This press release holds a link to every executive order Gov. Walz has issued on Covid-19 beginning March 13th. Gov. Walz DAILY COVID-19 MEDIA UPDATE_ April 6, 2020

Governor Walz State of the State 4-5-20

Coronavirus Disease in Minnesota – Governor Walz resource page

4-6-20 [ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz today signed Executive Orders 20-28 and 20-29 to authorize out-of-state mental health providers to provide telehealth services to Minnesota patients and to provide immediate relief to employers and unemployed workers during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency. Full press release: Governor Tim Walz Signs Two Executive Orders to Mitigate Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

4-6-20 Gov. Walz order: Starting today, MDVA is accepting applications from Minnesota veterans who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. MDVA will award one-time financial relief grants in the amount of $1,000. Funding is available for both Disaster Relief Grants and Special Needs Grants. For Rice Co. : for more information or to apply, visit or call Tracy McBroom, Rice County Veterans Services Officer at (507)332-6117. Contact:Rice County Veterans Services Officer, Tracy McBroom (507)332-6117  [email protected]  Rice County Administrator, Sara Folsted (507)332-6100  email: [email protected]

MN DEED – unemployment information and more, including information for small businesses. There’s been an influx of dollars voted in by legislators. New information as of 3-30-20 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Minnesota’s Unemployment Insurance team members are processing more applications for unemployment benefits than ever before. To ensure our system can handle the increased activity we are experiencing, we are asking that *new* unemployment insurance applicants apply online on an assigned day, based on your social security number (SSN). Details here: Important Update on Applying for Unemployment Insurance Benefits

The full audio of the Governor’s Stay At Home order. Update includes Jan Malcolm, Kris Ehresmann, Joe Kelly and Steve Grove from 3-27-20

Gov Walz update 3-27-20
Gov Walz update 3-27-20

Attorney General Keith Ellison warns of Covid-19 phishing scams:3-24-20 Attorney General Ellison warns Minnesotans about COVID-19 phishing attacks


MN Dept of Commerce message 3-24-20: Despite volatility in financial markets and economy instability due to COVID-19, Commissioner Kelley is reassuring residents that their money is secure in the state’s banks and credit unions. Consumer Alert_ Commissioner Kelley Reassures Minnesota Residents on the Security of their Deposits in Financial Institutions

MN DNR – DNR COVID-19 response_ What you need to know


4-16-20 CDC – Caring for someone at home with Covid-19 

4-6-20  CDC wear a mask to help slow the spread

Cleaning and disinfecting Your Facility – after someone is sick

Centers for Disease Control for the full site where you can navigate to all the various information.

Map of U.S outbreaks from the CDC

World Health Organization – COVID-19 LINK

United Nations – Life Under Lockdown tips

National Association of School Psychologist on Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus) A Parent Resource. These are in English and Spanish



An announcement from Kevin Fink with the AARP Foundation Tax-Aid:  The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide programs in Northfield and Faribault have been suspended indefinitely.  A tax counselor volunteer will contact you if the suspension is lifted and if they are able to do your taxes.  Those who were on a waiting list or booked late, will, hopefully be notified but they are backed up.

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