NH&C prepared for Covid and non-Covid patients; City option for renewing tabs; NPD protocols mean more PPE; Distance learning update/chances of returning to school "very slim"; Craig holds virtual town hall tonight

By Teri Knight, News Director

Northfield Hospital and Clinics CEO Steve Underdahl said in terms of flattening the curve, all the Executive Orders put in place, from the Minnesota data in particular have been effective, “And so I know people are getting weary. And you know, the financial implications and business implications are terrible for people. But from a disease spread standpoint, it really does seem to be working and that we aren’t seeing the big spikes that I think we would have seen had we continued to sit next to each other and handle the same ketchup bottles”Dr. Fauci has said that, if these tactics work, it will appear like an overreaction. Underdahl commented, “it’s working. And we have to be really careful that we don’t undo it too soon”A point that needs to be clarified is the 

fact that you CAN go to Northfield Hospital and Clinics. Underdahl said they did such a good job of asking people not to run to the clinic, “that I think now we have sort of terrified people at the idea of coming to a medical campus period”The downside is that there are people suffering from acute or potentially acute issues and they’re staying away. He added,“I think it’s really important for those folks to call us and let us help reason through how we can best serve them. We’ve had a lot of chance to over these few weeks to be able to think through how to provide the highest level of protection we can for people coming onto the campus”They have many protocols in place. Anyone that’s sick or hurt, healthcare is still available. Call them. By early next week, CEO Steve Underdahl said they should have a video visit process in place. Underdahl’s full interview is HERE

City option for renewing tabs

The City of Northfield is adding shields to certain areas at City Hall including the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, which is currently closed. However, they’ve just released information on renewing your tabs through a dropbox. That information is here: Nfld City Hall announces Drivers can renew license tabs via dropbox or mail (1)

NPD protocols mean more PPE

“Stay the course”, Northfield Police Chief Monte Nelson’s new mantra as we wash our hands, keep a 6 foot distance, don’t go to the stores unless necessary and if so, wear a mask. Amid the covid chaos, are law enforcement officers responding to calls where they can’t control how close they may need to be to people, those can involve medical/mental health issues, intoxicated individuals or domestic violence calls.  Nelson commented on how his Officers are approaching those situations, “They’ll be wearing basic PPEs, so glasses or goggles, mask, gloves. We’re still we’re waiting for some shields”. He reminded the public that if there is a domestic violence issue, you can leave your home. There are resources on the Hope Center’s website, hopecentermn.org. Rice County is now asking the public to donate homemade masks and gowns. That information is HERE.

Distance learning update/chances of returning to school “very slim”

Distance learning is fully underway after a whirlwind of getting it up and running.One immediate take-away was the wise investment of iPad technology, according to Northfield Schools Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann. They sent out a survey to parents and teachers about the amount of work that is being sent to the students. Early results indicate, “but 60% in each of our surveys at the elementary, middle school and high school level were saying [it’s] was just about right. So we’ll continue to monitor that”While academics are the core of education, there are other aspects to school that can’t be replicated with distance learning. As to the question of whether the students will be back in school May 5th, Hillmann said Governor Walz has indicated, “You know, he thinks the chances of us returning to school and person this year are very slim now, it’s not been ruled out yet. So of course, we’re preparing for both circumstances”With no sports and likely no in person graduation, on Monday nights at 8:20, military time for 2020, they’re lighting up Memorial Field for 20 minutes. Across the state, schools have joined #BetheLightMN and are turning on stadium lights. The Twins and Vikings are also joining in.  

Craig holds virtual town hall tonight

Tonight, Congresswoman Angie Craig will hold a virtual town hall with Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Director at the University Minnesota, Dr. Michael T. Osterholm at 6 o’clock tonight. The final 15 minutes will be open to questions on any topic. The meeting will be streamed live on Craig’s facebook page.   Congresswoman Angie Craig’s Facebook

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