This weeks radio play is “A Cut Above the Rest”. The show includes original, hilarious fake commercials and a jingle, all written and performed by the cast members, and is directed via Zoom by Pauline Jennings. In this whose-doing-what delightful farce adapted for radio, Snake and Harry, con artists, have the steal of a lifetime – the famous Devonport diamonds, owned by the late Amelia Devonport. All they have to do is discover where they are hidden when they attend her funeral. The only problem is – where are the diamonds? And who else is in on the deal? AND who is the real John Smith??
Ingrid Rustad: Narrator and Rachel Davenport
Kopano Tsambalagwa: Reverend Waters & Captain Theunis
Josie Hauck: Mz Grim
Jillian Ros: Snake
Maddie Bussman: Harry
Carston Walter: Lieutenant John Smith