FINE, THANKS: STORIES FROM THE CANCERLAND JUNGLE by Mary Dunnewold is a memoir chronicling one woman’s battle with cancer as well as her eventual victory. Today’s 15 with the Author is special in that I have suspended new interviews since Covid, but when Mary sent me a copy of her book, I opened it up and was caught immediately by the writing. This wasn’t a dry chronicle of fear but a poignant, and, believe it or not, humorously honest take on a horrific journey through the diagnosis of breast cancer and a bilateral mastectomy and all that comes with it. She’s a Northfielder and she was brave enough to share it with the world. It’s powerful with a broad reaching message.
Fine, thanks, stories from the Cancerland jungle
Fine, thanks, stories from the Cancerland jungle
Fine, thanks, stories from the Cancerland jungle
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