This is the third installment in the Adventures of Stardust series. Here is the cast:
InterROGUEations (Adventures of Stardust episode #3)
Written by Kosmo Esplan, 12 years old.
Directed by Pauline Jennings
Maddie Bussmann: Captain John Black, Head Navigator Paula Jens, and Martian #2
Kosmo Esplan: Doctor Lucas Horst and Administrator Jerry Lillgen
Amelia Ford: Narrator and Sergeant Sherry Knight
Sam Froehle: Lieutenant Navigator Tom Masters and Xyxyian
Connor Percy: First Officer Lustig Rhondson and Yocket
Jillian Ros: General Judy Hollendale, Doctor Herb Johnson, and Martian #1
The National Opposite Day commercial was written by Kosmo Esplan, and the National Redundancy Day commercial was written by Kosmo Esplan and Pauline Jennings. The accompanying jingle’s melody and lyrics was written and sung by Jillian Ros, the piano accompaniment was written and performed by Maddie Bussmann.
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