Domestic Violence calls triple; Bonding passes – Lippert/Draheim comment – Nfld Transit Hub to receive funding; Covid, cleaning and teaching; Roundabout update

By Teri Knight, News Director

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. The Hope Center’s Erica Staab said, that about two weeks after the pandemic shut everything down, there was a huge spike in domestic violence calls around the state. She said, “and we are getting double and triple the volume of calls that we normally used to get and that’s been maintaining over the last few months”The calls have been for safe-housing, shelter, and help in navigating through the time of covid as everything’s more complicated. Throughout the state, on any given day there are only three beds available, pre-pandemic. Now with safety protocols against the virus in place, it’s exacerbated an already

precarious situation. Affordable housing is also limited and often victims don’t have access to even their own money. Staab emphasized that Hope Center is open and ready to help. It’s a team effort with therapists, other agencies like the CAC to help with basic needs, Ruth’s House and more. There are 74 agencies like the Hope Center across the state. She added, “we also have a coalition to help drive the direction of what we’re looking at, what are our needs as a state and what do we need to do to ensure that anybody who comes forward gets the help”Oftentimes, domestic abuse coincides with substance abuse, Staab said, “they don’t cause domestic violence but they can certainly exacerbate what’s already happening and so we collaborate closely with other agencies in that arena as well”They also work with faith communities for healing. There’s much more to her interview including how loved ones outside of the situation may be able to help and how you can help out with donations. Listen to her full interview HERE

Bonding passes – Lippert/Draheim comment – Nfld Transit Hub to receive funding

State legislators, after the 5th special session, passed a bonding bill. District 20b House Representative Todd Lippert (DFL) commented on KYMN this morning that the House had 25 Republican votes. In the Senate it was 64 to 3. The $2 billion bill, he said, “it benefits all corners of the state. We know our infrastructure has been crumbling, we need to invest in it.  This is the biggest thing we can do as a state for our economy”. There’s significant investment in the University of Minnesota, wastewater treatment and flood mitigation. The Northfield Transit Hub, an item Lippert has championed, will get $1.75 million. There’s more to his interview on Lippert will be on the air Oct. 19th to talk about his candidacy.  District 20 Senator Rich Draheim (GOP) was also on-air this morning. Draheim felt the bonding bill portion was too high but they then combined the tax bill and a supplemental budget bill and tied the three together, he said, “and that’s why there wasn’t much opposition against is because all of us have had things we had to get done. For me it was section 179, which is a tax provision that really helps out small businesses and probably more so farmers”He felt the Democrats bought their votes. There is much more to his interview as well on Draheim will be on the air next week to talk about his candidacy. 

Covid, cleaning and teaching

Teachers, support staff and everyone associated with public schools are working harder than ever. Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said he’s proud of the teamwork with everyone doing all they can, “but at the same time, the community needs to know too that it’s taxing. This is the hardest work that educators have done. You have this specter of trying to keep everyone as healthy as we possibly can hanging over you. You’re really trying to make important decisions about a year that is so abnormal that we don’t know what’s happening in the next couple of weeks”. He compared it to driving home from the Cities during a snowstorm. He added that there have been some covid cases, but there’s been minimal spread. The District sends a general notification letter to the building where there is an infection and has added a dashboard on the District website that includes all the messages they’ve sent regarding covid-19. They are also performing contact tracing. Hillmann’s full interview is HERE

Roundabout update

The roundabout at Hwy 246 and Jefferson Pkwy is closer and closer to opening. This week the roadways asphalt wear course was placed.  Roadway marking will take place next week and the lighting will be energized. Roadway and trail signage is scheduled to be completed by the end of next week. The intersection is scheduled to be opened on Friday October 23, 2020.  A Grand Opening Ceremony is scheduled for 12:00 pm on Friday as well.  Additional details on the Grand Opening Ceremony will be distributed next week. Access to Bridgewater Elementary School, Northfield Middle School, and Northfield High School, as well as the surrounding neighborhoods, will be maintained throughout construction. For additional information, Please see the Project Website:

10-16-20 News

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