by Rich Larson
Yesterday Sheriff Troy Dunn announced that the Rice County Sheriff’s Department would participate in a Southeast Minnesota

law enforcement initiative called Dying to Get Home. The Sheriff said, as he has been saying all summer long, that he is very concerned by the number of people who have died on Minnesota roads this year, and the general decline of good driving habits he and his deputies have seen since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Through August, more than 300 people had died on Minnesota roads in 2021, and Sheriff Dunn said that the state is on pace for 400, which would be the most since 2016. At a meeting of the Southeast District of the Minnesota Sheriff’s Association last week, it was decided that today, the first day of Labor Day Weekend, Sheriffs departments across the region would be out in force in an effort to discourage high speeds, and careless and distracted driving.
Dunn said, it’s not just people in cars who are getting hurt. He said pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicles of all kinds have been involved in serious accidents. On Sunday, a woman was killed in Walcott Township when a pickup truck rear ended the golf cart she was driving. Another accident on Sunday involved two juveniles driving a utility terrain vehicle that went into a ditch, resulting in the passenger being airlifted to St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester.
Sheriff Dunn said all of 2021 has been difficult for road safety, but Labor Day weekend is one of the times of year that makes him the most nervous.
“Every holiday, whether it’s Labor Day Weekend, Memorial Day Weekend or the Fourth of July, I’m always just a little nervous because of all the extra traffic that’s going to be out there. People are like ‘This is the last hurrah of summer,’ and they might have a couple extra drinks in them, and they say “I’m just gonna go out there and ride the 4-wheeler. I’m gonna take this out.’
“Please be safe this holiday weekend.”
He said most of the crashes that cause fatalities are not accidents. They are all preventable. He reminded everyone who will be driving this weekend to watch their speed, pay attention to the road, and to please use their seat belts.
Jeff Johnson’s full conversation with Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn can be heard here
Rice County Coalition arranges for safe rides during Defeat of Jesse James Days
The Defeat of Jesse James Days will be underway one week from today, and as always public safety is a major concern during Northfield’s busiest weekend. To that end the Rice County Safe Roads Coalition has coordinated several options to help people enjoy themselves to the fullest and still get home safely.
The Joyride program, sponsored by the DJJD Planning Committee, the Northfield Police Department and Epic Enterprises of Dundas, will be offering free rides within the city of Northfield on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The bus will pick riders up at the corner of 5th and Water streets between 9pm and 1am on Thursday night, and 10pm and 2am on Friday and Saturday nights. Tickets are free and are used only to give the driver an address. They can be found at the DJJD Entertainment Center and at most bars and restaurants around town.
First Choice Shuttle will be offering rides as well from Thursday through Sunday for $7 within the city of Northfield and an additional $2 per mile outside of the city limits. The shuttles will pick up passengers at the Forget-Me-Not Flowers parking lot between 7am and 11pm on Thursday and Sunday, and from 7am to 1am on Friday and Saturday.
And City Gal Transportation will offer rides within the city limits of Northfield for $5 and for an additional $1.60 per mile outside of town from 7am until 3am. The City Gal, whose name is Virginia Klinger, will pick up passengers in her blue SUV on the corner of Division and 6th Streets.
Northfield City Administrator Ben Martig said these services are a great idea, and not just because they offer the safest ways to get home.
“It’s an opportunity to have a few adult beverages and have a good time, but then have a safe ride home. So, plan ahead, so you’re all ready to go with that. And it also helps to make it a better parking situation, too. You won’t have to worry about parling and the headaches you might have trying to find a spot.”
For more information or to arrange a ride, contact First Choice Shuttle at 507-645-4447, and City Gal Transportation at 612-840-1687.
Jeff Johnson’s full conversation with City Administrator Ben Martig can be heard here