County offers safety tips for excessive heat; Stanton Air Patrol Squadron will conduct public training exercise; City Council preview

With temperatures today predicted to climb into the high 90’s and a heat index that could go over 100 degrees, Rice County Public Health is reminding people of several ways to take care of themselves their families, and their neighbors in times of extreme heat. 

A statement issued by Rice County Public Health said awareness is vitally important. Listen to, watch and read local weather forecasts to be aware of heat advisories. Drink plenty of fluids, stay indoors, slow down, and try to avoid overly strenuous work outdoors.  

The statement stressed that one should never leave pets or children in enclosed vehicles. 

It is also important to be aware of the dangers of heat stroke and other heat related illnesses. Cramps and heat exhaustion can be very dangerous and should receive immediate attention and treatment. Heavy sweating, flushed skin, headache, nausea, dizziness and a rapid heart rate could also be signs of a heat related problem. Those with these symptoms, according to the statement, should move to a cooler area, drink cool water or sports drinks, and rest. If the symptoms last longer than one hour, please seek medical attention. Hot skin, headache, confusion, irritability, changes in consciousness, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting and seizures are all signs of heat stroke. Should these symptoms arise, call 911 immediately. 

People without air conditioning may need to find a cool place to go for relief from the heat and humidity and may need to consider public places with air conditioning, such as a shopping mall or library. 

The county is also asking everyone to be vigilant for the elderly. Remember to call and check on friends and neighbors who are homebound or without air conditioning to make sure they are safe and staying cool as well. 

Overall, the statement said, be prepared to protect yourself and those around you. 

For more safety tips, visit the Minnesota Department of Health website, or the Rice County Public Health website. 


Civil Air Patrol to conduct public training this evening 

The Stanton Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol, based out of Stanton Airfield, will be conducting a joint exercise this evening with the Minnesota Air Rescue Team and the State Patrol, and the public is invited to attend.   

The Civil Air Patrol is the civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force and is tasked with three fundamental missions. The first is to conduct the inland portion of Air Force directed search and rescue operations. It also promotes aviation and the related fields through aerospace and STEM education. And, some would say most importantly, the organization works to cultivate and develop a new generation of leaders through its cadet program. 

Major Randy Knox, the Deputy Commander for Cadets with the Stanton Composite Squadron, said the cadet program is really this squadron’s main focus. The program is centered around four ideas: leadership, aerospace, fitness and character. Cadets have opportunities year-round where they learn to fly, lead, hike camp and constantly gain new experiences.  

Major Knox said cadets gain poise, confidence and a self-awareness that is uncommon in most young people.  

“A lot of them get into it for the aviation opportunities, but most of the cadets I talk to, it’s the leadership aspects that really appeal to them. And that’s one of the great rewards for me and I’m sure for all senior members, is to watch the development of these young people from the time that they come in.” 

During the exercise, a simulated search and rescue operation will be conducted as a training operation. The exercise will include the launch of an Air Patrol Cessna to conduct a search mission for a simulated down aircraft. Cadets will locate the simulated down pilot and render first aid and prepare the pilot for transport, and the air rescue team helicopter will launch from Stanton Airfield to retrieve the simulated down pilot and deliver them to emergency medical services at Camp Phillippo Scout Reservation. 

Knox said the Stanton Composite Squadron meets every Tuesday night at 7pm at the Stanton Airport. The cadet program is open to any youth between the ages of 12-18. Members of the public are always welcome to observe a meeting and get a feel for what the organization does. 

Tonight’s exercise will begin at 5pm. 

Jeff Johnson’s full conversation with Major Randy Knox, Cadet Second Lieutenant Grant Argabright and Cadet Staff Sergeant Isaac Clark of the Stanton Composite Squadron – Civil Air Patrol can be heard here 


Council to meet in open and closed sessions this evening 

And the Northfield City Council will meet for a work session tonight in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 6pm.

The first two items on the agenda are a discussion of the Riverfront Enhancement Action Plan, which will be followed by an update and discussion of the final concept plans for the Bridge Square improvement project. That will be followed by the beginnings of the annual budgeting process. The Council will hear a presentation on the annual Comprehensive Financial Report for 2021. They will then review and discuss the 5 Year Capital Equipment and Capital Improvement Plans. 

Prior to the 6pm meeting, the council will meet in closed session to discuss the pending lawsuit brought against Northfield Hospital + Clinics and the City of Northfield by a group of former NH+C employees who were dismissed after they declined to be vaccinated for Covid-19. 

As always, the City Council and the Northfield City Staff are eager to hear the opinions of the public on any matter, whether the subject is on the Council agenda or not. The meeting tonight is a work session, so the Council will not hear from the public. However, those who do wish to make a point, air an opinion or ask a question can email their councilor directly or make use of the eComment function which can be found in the “Agendas” section of the city website. 


Rich Larson is the KYMN News Director. Contact him at 

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