DJJD Horse Shoe Hunt underway; NPD works to help fight breast cancer; DMV asking for focus group volunteers

The annual Defeat of Jesse James Days Horse Shoe Hunt began this morning. The same antique horseshoe that has been used since 1997 has been placed somewhere on public property, waiting for someone to find it and claim the prize money.  

This is the 25th year of the horseshoe hunt. Clue Master Tim Freeland said the hunt was developed to be something very specific for the people of Northfield.  

“So many townies leave during Defeat Days,” he said, “that the idea was to create something that would be very Northfield centric, and to do something during the celebration specifically for Northfielders.”  

The rules are relatively simple, Freeland said. The horseshoe is somewhere in either Northfield or Dundas, on public property. He reminded people that the Northfield School District, St. Olaf College and Carleton College are all on private property, and asked that hunters please not look thee. Also, there is no digging necessary to find the horseshoe, and in some cases digging can result in disqualification.  

He also said he always has safety in mind when he hides the horseshoe, and if hunters keep that in mind, there are certain areas that they can dismiss right away. But hiding the horseshoe, he said, is the real fun for him.  

“My favorite part is getting out there like a ninja in the middle of the night. I’m not going to say which night I hide the horseshoe. But to get out there and my heart’s racing, I’ve got my location and I’m just praying nobody sees me because I would have to rewrite it if I if I was busted. But getting out there, that’s my fun once I I get it hid.” 

The prize money this year is $1400 if the winner has registered a DJJD button, and $700 if not. A daily clue to the horseshoe’s location will be shared with the community every morning at 7:00. The clue can be found at, as well as the KYMN Facebook page, the Northfield News website, and on Jeff Johnson of the KYMN Morning Show will read the clue as well. Whoever finds the horseshoe must immediately call Tim Freeland at 507-581-5038 to verify.  

Freeland said clues will be revealed every day that the hunt continues through Labor Day.  

Jeff Johnson’s full conversation with Tim Freeland can be heard here 


Northfield Police Department joins the Pink Patch Project 

The Northfield Police Department will participate in the Pink Patch Project for the first time this year. Northfield Police Chief Mark Elliott and Officer Champange Eiklenborg, who is the department coordinator, said they are both proud and excited to be part of the program.   

The Pink Patch Project is a campaign to increase public awareness about breast cancer and to raise funds for the fight against the disease, through partnerships between the American Cancer Society and local law enforcement agencies.   

As part of the campaign, uniformed Northfield police officers will be allowed to wear a pink version of the department patch on their uniform in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.    

Officer Eiklenborg said the change in uniform is intended to stimulate conversation with the community and to encourage public awareness about the importance of early detection and the on-going fight against breast cancer.   

More than 700 law enforcement agencies across the country will participate this year. Chief Elliott said Eiklenborg approached him about the program last year. He said once Officer Eiklenborg stepped up and volunteered to coordinate the program, it was an easy decision to join in, because cancer is a universal concern.   

“Cancer affects everybody. You know, I think sometimes we think of our officers as our heroes or superheroes, but cancer affects them too. I’ve got several friends that have battled cancer while they were working and it’s something I think everybody can relate to and it’s something that everybody wants to help. We want to find cures.” 

Both Elliott and Eiklenborg said the officers who participate in the program this year are doing so out of their own pocket. They will each purchase new uniform shirts and the pink patches. No taxpayer money is being spent in the process.   

Eiklenborg said the department will have Pink Patch Project Northfield Police patches and pins available for purchase at a booth set up near the NPD command van at the corner of 5th & Water Streets during the Defeat of Jesse James Days, as well as another booth at the rodeo on Saturday the 10th. All proceeds and donations that come through the department will go directly to cancer research and education through the American Cancer Society.   

For more information contact Officer Champagne Eiklenborg at  

Jeff Johnson’s full conversation with Northfield Chief of Police Mark Elliott and Officer Champagne Eiklenborg can be heard here 


DMV looking for more customer service feedback 

The troubles of visiting a Department of Motor Vehicle office anywhere in the country has often been the butt of jokes and material for comedians almost since the inception of the driver’s license. But now, the City of Northfield DMV office is looking for people to participate in focus groups to discuss their local customer service experience, hours of operation, and ways to improve their experience.  

The department offered a survey over the summer, the results of which will be used to frame up discussions with focus groups. The focus group conversations will be held virtually via Zoom September 13 through 15 and last no more than one hour. Participants who are invited to participate and then attend will receive a $25 gift card.  

Northfield city Finance Director Brenda Angelstad said interested Northfield DMV customers should participate in what she characterized as a unique experience.   

“Sharing your most recent DMV experience will provide invaluable information, with a goal to improve local service to all of our customers.”  

Those who are interested and willing to participate must complete a form to be considered. Completing the form does not guarantee you will be in a focus group. If selected, you will receive an invitation via email.  

Deadline for registration is September 8th. To fill out the form click here.


Rich Larson is the KYMN News Director. Contact him at


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