2 bits, 4 bits, 6 bits a dollar, all for the Raiders Stand up and Holler!!! The Cheerleaders are in studio this week. Coach Laurie Swedecker along with Becca Malecha and Faith Torgeson bring plenty of cheer to this weeks program.
Head Coach of the Boy’s Swim and Dive team Doug Davis joins in studio to talk about the 5-0 start and the overall expectations of this years team. The JV team continues their unbeaten streak as well.
Evan Loe underwater with swim captains Jeb Sawyer and Ben Anderson on this weeks Meet the Raider and get’s the depth of this years team.
Join us live on Saturdays at 10 AM on KYMN 95.1 the One and AM 1080.
May you have a very Happy New Year. Make 2023 your year!
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