Today in the ArtZany Radio studio Paula Granquist celebrates the joy of music by featuring three local upcoming concerts. First, we’ll highlight Northfield Musicians Perform the Songs of Neil Young, a benefit concert for the Northfield Fine Arts Boosters (NFAB). In between segments we’ll highlight the Sheldon Theatre Brass Band with details about the upcoming concert Holiday Brass with a sample song. Next, the focus will be on the Vintage Band Festival (VBF) as we preview Tuba Christmas 2023 and introduce the VBF Fund.
Northfield Musicians Perform the Songs of Neil Young, Saturday, November 18, 6:00pm – 10:00pm at Armory Square Event Center in Northfield MN. Local musicians will gather to perform the songs of Neil Young with proceeds going to the Northfield Fine Arts Boosters (NFAB). Tickets are available at the door and the suggested donation is $15
Holiday BrassSheldon Theatre Brass Band, Sunday, November 26, 2:00pm, at First United Church of Christ, in Northfield MN. James Kirschner, music director; featuring Debbie O’Keefe, vocalist. Free Admission. https://www.sheldontheatrebrassband.org
Vintage Band Festival Tuba Christmas 2023, Saturday, December 2 at 3:00pm at Skinner Memorial Chapel, Carleton College, Northfield MN. Free Admission. https://vintagebandfestival.org/
Tuba Christmas is an annual event that brings together euphonium, baritone, sousaphone and tuba players of all ages to play Christmas carols for the enjoyment of family, friends and the general public. The music made by dozens of low brass instruments playing as a choir is an experience not to be missed, either as a participant or as a listener.