Highway 3 emergency light system working when ‘minutes matter;’ Township 2024 candidate filing period opens on Tuesday

Among the improvements made to Northfield in 2023, was a new traffic signal system along Highway 3. Over a few weeks this past summer, MnDot crews systematically replaced and programmed signals at a half dozen intersections through Northfield to improve the traffic flow and public safety along Northfield’s busiest corridor.  

The new signals include a blinking yellow arrow feature, allowing motorists to make left turns against what would otherwise be a red light, provided there is no oncoming traffic. Another addition is an Opticon Strobe light system creating safe passage for authorities in emergency situations.  

The lights work with emergency vehicles to create a traffic signal preemption system, allowing police, fire or emergency medical vehicles to change the traffic signals in their path as they race toward an emergency call. As a fire truck, for example, approaches the intersection of Highway 3 and 2nd Street, the equipment will ensure that the truck has a green light, allowing it to pass safely through the intersection, keeping East or Westbound traffic from straying into its path.   

Northfield Chief of Police Mark Elliot praised the system for its ability to literally save lives.  

“Just this past week we had an overdose on the North End of town and our officers and an ambulance were trying to get there quickly. Thankfully, Narcan saved the day, but in those situations minutes matter and seconds matter. So, that traffic preemption system, allowing us to get there and the ambulance crew to get there a little quicker is very important.” 

Northfield Area Fire and Rescue Service Chief Tom Nelson has discussed the system at length saying the ability to clear the intersection safely keeps problems from compounding when an emergency vehicle collides with regular traffic. Elliott echoed those comments, saying it allows people to get out of the way of incoming emergency vehicles in spaces where there has not always been an easy, or obvious option.  

“You know, we all have that moment where we have to figure out where to go when there are emergency lights coming up behind us. And if you’re sitting at a red light, you don’t want to pull out in front of other traffic in order to pull forward or move over to the right so that emergency vehicle can get by. And this allows that arrow to change so drivers can safely move out of the way.” 

Elliott noted that his officers have expressed gratitude for the system. Having one less thing to worry about in an emergency situation means their focus can stay on the task at hand, which is something, he said, they appreciate. 

Jeff Johnson’s full conversation with Northfield Chief of Police Mark Elliott can be heard here 

Candidates sought for township offices 

Rice County has announced that the filing period for seats on the various county townships’ Boards of Supervisors will open on Tuesday, January 2, and will run through Tuesday, Jan. 16. 

The clerk’s seat is up in 11 of the county’s 14 townships. In Bridgewater, Forest and Webster townships, the clerk is an appointed, not an elected, position. 

One seat on each township’s boards of supervisors will also be on the ballot, except in Bridgewater Township where two three-year supervisor’s seats will be up. 

Northfield Township voters will have two questions on their ballots. One seeks authorization to appoint rather than elect the town clerk. The other asks whether the county should be permitted to issue intoxicating liquor licenses to township establishments. 

Candidates for town board must: 

• Be eligible to vote in Minnesota 

• Not have filed for another office in the upcoming primary or general election 

• Be 21 years of age or older upon assuming office 

• Have maintained residence in their district for at least 30 days before the general election 

Candidates must file with the town clerk, who should be contacted to learn when and where they are accepting affidavits for candidacy. Filing offices may be closed on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, which is Monday, January 15, but must be open from 1-5 p.m. on the last day of filing, which will be Tuesday, January 16. 

In addition to completing an affidavit for candidacy, candidates must pay a $2 filing fee. 

Township elections will be held Tuesday, March 12, 2024. 

A full listing of Rice County township clerks taken from the Rice County website: 

BRIDGEWATER: Lori Noreen, 507-645-1656, clerk@bridgewatertwp.org 

CANNON CITY: Marilyn Caron, 507-384-1998, caronmarilyn11@gmail.com 

ERIN: Sharon Kaisershot, 507-364-5537, skaisershot@frontiernet.net 

FOREST: Ashley Anderson, 507-213-7116, foresttwpclerk@gmail.com 

MORRISTOWN: Dawn Nuetzman, 507-456-8772, morristownmnclerk@gmail.com 

NORTHFIELD: Diane Lyman, 507-581-1383, clerk northfieldtwp.org 

RICHLAND: Robert Sommers, 507-491-1339, richland.ricecounty@gmail.com 

SHIELDSVILLE: Sue Ceplecha-Novak, 507-330-1485, suecnovak@gmail.com 

WALCOTT: Benet Freund, 507-334-8655, walcottownship@gmail.com 

WARSAW: Michele Voegele, 507-210-0910, warsawtwp@yahoo.com 

WEBSTER: Roger VanVeldhuizen, 612-865-7677, webster.township@yahoo.com 

WELLS: Jim Zahn, 507-838-0236, jpzahn46@gmail.com 

WHEATLAND: Jim Duban, 507-744-2742, jkduban@lonstel.com 

WHEELING: Rebecca Vergin, 507-330-4496, wheelingtownship@gmail.com 

Rich Larson is the KYMN News Director. Contact him at rich@kymnradio.net 

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