Today in the ArtZany Radio studio Paula Granquist welcomes Northfield’s newest Living Treasure Award winner artist Judy Saye-Willis and one of her nominators for the award, ceramic artist Juliane Shibata.
She will be honored at the Northfield 2024 State of the City Event Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Carleton College, Weitz Center for Creativity,
Judy Saye-Willis has worked as a fiber artist for more than 50 years. Her work is rich in texture with exciting color, has strong eye appeal and often has a message of environmental stewardship. Her works in textile, jewelry, and book art have been exhibited throughout Minnesota and the country. She has studied with renowned artists from around the world and has been awarded numerous grants. She is the driving force behind Rice County Indigo Collective and a cofounder with Leanne Stremcha and Sue Peoples of the Studio ARTour in South Central Minnesota—now celebrating their 20th year of success. Her current artwork focuses on the use of natural pigments and dyes that evoke the colors of Northfield through her use of locally grown and foraged materials. She is a leader in the artistic community and has shared her expertise in art and has generously mentored many fellow artists in studio practices and grant writing.