Today is Primary Election Day throughout the State of Minnesota. Northfield’s eight voting precincts will be open today from 7am until 8pm.
Depending on the City Council ward in which they live, some Northfield voters will have choices to make in two separate elections There are seven candidates for Northfield Mayor on the ballot today, including incumbent mayor Rhonda Pownell, City Councilor George Zuccolotto, former City Councilor Erica Zweifel, former Northfield School Board member Ruth Dahl, Adam Gebler, Timothy Babinni and Michael J. Kirschling.
Northfield City Council Ward 2 incumbent City Councilor Jami Reister has chosen to not run for a second term, and there are three people challenging for her seat, Emy Farley, Chad Beumer, and Edward Malnar.
In each of the local elections, the two people who receive the most votes will move on to the General Election this November.
Those who identify as Republicans or Democrats will also be asked to select a candidate for the United States Congressional Second District where Democratic incumbent Angie Craig is being challenged by Marc Ives, and Republican Joe Teirab is vying for his party’s nomination amid a large field of candidates for the right to challenge Congresswoman Craig. There are eight Republican candidates for United States Senator, and five Democratic candidates, including incumbent Amy Klobuchar. Those with the highest vote totals by party will be the names on the November ballot.
Those who are not already registered to vote may do so at their polling place. Registration requires a Photo ID and Proof of Address with your current name listed. Acceptable photo IDs include: a Driver’s license, state ID, learner’s permit, U.S. Passport, or a Minnesota College, University, or high school ID. Acceptable proof of address forms include a utility bill or lease agreement. For more unique scenarios and a complete list of accepted documents visit the Minnesota Secretary of State website.
The City of Northfield has issued a statement regarding a road project that could affect voters in Ward 2, Precinct 2. The precinct polling place is located in the Northfield Community Resource Center. The building has an entrance on Jefferson Parkway which is currently closed for construction, and voters are advised to approach the building from the west via Roosevelt Drive or Division Street.
Incoming KYMN News Director Logan Wells has created a post with all pertinent information for Northfield Voters, which can be viewed on our website at kymnradio.net
City Council to meet Thursday

The Northfield City Council will not meet tonight for their regular monthly work session as today is Primary Day. However, the council will hold two special sessions on Thursday.
In one session, they will meet to canvas election results. State statutes require that council approve an abstract of votes cast during today’s primary. The other special session will be held behind closed doors as it involves labor negotiations strategy.
The first meeting begins at 3:30 in council chambers. The Planning Commission also has a meeting scheduled for Thursday night in council chambers. That meeting will begin at 6pm.
Car Seat Checkup Event being held in Faribault Wednesday night

In the wake of the new state regulations regarding child safety seats in automobiles, Rice County Public Health has added several more Car Seat Checkup events throughout the year to ensure that residents who have been unable to attend a previous seminar will have additional opportunities to attend an upcoming event.
During the events, child passenger technicians will inspect current car seats to ensure they are properly installed and fit the child for whom it is meant, and that the seat is not past its expiration date. They will be able to provide individualized instruction on use of the seat, and are also happy to answer questions about child passenger safety, and the changes that went into effect earlier this month after new laws were passed this year by the state legislature.
The next Car Seat Checkup event is scheduled for tomorrow night from 6:30pm-8pm at Jefferson Elementary School in Faribault.
Residents are also able to schedule an appointment for a car seat checkup at the Public Health office in Faribault by contacting Health Educator Kylie MacLeod at kylie.macleod@ricecountymn.gov or 1-507-332-6119.
KYMN Daily News 8/13/24
Rich Larson is the KYMN News Director. Contact him at rich@kymnradio.net