By Logan Wells, News Director |

As teachers and school staff have been returning to the school over the last few weeks, the Northfield Public Schools held their annual staff appreciation event. At the event, the district gave thanks to volunteers, school support staff, and teachers for all of the work they have done the past school year and will do in the coming months.
Several staff were recognized for the amount of time they have worked with the schools including: John Schnorr, who has worked for 40 years with the Northfield Schools, Bubba Sullivan, and Beth McClune for 35 years. Ricky Thompson was given the Friend of Education Award, which is given to a person who is not employed by the school district but has made a positive contribution. The Outstanding Service Award went to Lori Kristofferson, the High School’s Administrative Assistant. Stacy Gary at Spring Creek Elementary was given the Educational Assistant of the Year Award.Katherine Norrie, an art teacher at Northfield High School, was also given the Teacher of the Year Award. Here is Superintendent of School’s Dr. Matt Hillmann:

The NEA gives the teacher of the Year award and my only question when I heard this. I’m like, how had she not won this already? Katherine Norrie just a community Treasurer Northfield High school art teacher who inspires people every day by her love of kids and art and helping them connect and helping them see the artistic process as a Metaphor for life in lots of ways about how we can live and grow and continue to develop our thoughts and our patterns, and how we enter the world.
(Dr. Matt Hillmann)
Congratulations to Katherine Norrie, Stacy Gary, Lori Kristofferson, and Ricki Thompson. To all of the teachers, staff, and volunteers of the Northfield schools, thank you for all of the hard and life changing work that you do each day. From everyone at KYMN, we wish all the teachers, students, and staff a successful and happy school year.