Local Non-Profits Host Fundraisers During DJJD

By Logan Wells, News Director | Logan@kymnradio.net

Several different Northfield area non-profits use the Defeat of Jesse James Days to host fundraiser events, sometimes their biggest fundraiser of the year. Here are just a few of them.

The Northfield Rescue Squad, a division of the Northfield Area and Rescue Services, which responds to car accidents and other emergencies, hosts two events during DJJD. All weekend is Bridgesquare Bingo. The other fundraiser for the Rescue Squad is the Rubber Duck Race. 15 minutes after the parade, thousands of rubber ducks are dropped into the Cannon River, and the ticket holder of the fastest duck receives a $1,000 prize. 

Funds for the Rescue squad have bought the equipment for new firefighters, which can cost about $4,000 per new hire. In the past the rescue squad has bought new equipment for the department, including the departments rescue truck:

The Rescue Squad Association and combined with donations from the community paid for the Blue Rescue truck completely with cash, with no funds that came from Northfield, Dundas or the rural townships, and it also funds operations, we’re going to be buying A new mini pumper that is going to be funded from the Rescue Squad Association because of the fundraising arm that they do between charitable gambling and the duck races and other things.
– Fire Chief Tom Nelson
(left: The truck Nelson is referencing)

Tickets are $5 and can be purchased throughout the celebration at the Bridge Square Bingo or from any firefighter wearing a “Duck Tickets” t-shirt around the celebration. 

Another local group is the  Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4393, which hosts breakfast on Sunday mornings from 7:30am to 11am. Tickets cost $12, and tickets for children aged 5-10 cost $6. In the past the VFW has donated to several groups around Northfield, including scouting and the fire department but their focus remains veterans here is VFW Auxiliary President Nola Matheson with more: 

We donate to veterans’ causes. We’ll do the veterans homes in the cities or the veterans hospitals or for veteran has a need. They can come to us and we’ll donate to them. And one of our big things we’ve been donating to is the new, Believet because it’s very expensive to train those dogs to help veterans and they need their support. 
– Nola Matheson, VFW Auxiliary President

The breakfast will include pancakes, Scrambled eggs, Biscuits and Gravy, sausage, and breakfast potatoes. The breakfast will be at the VFW Post 4393 on Division Street; all are welcome. 

The Northfield Knights of Columbus will have a food booth on Bridge Square. The booth is entirely volunteer staffed with all of the profits going back to the community. Some of the organizations donated to in the past include: Healthy Community Initiative, Laura Baker School, Ruth’s House of Hope, Sharing and Caring Hands, St. Dominic’s School, and scholarship programs.

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