Meet The Candidates for Northfield City Council – At Large

The City Council is the legislative branch of the government. Any new laws, tax changes, and appointments must be approved by them. The council is made up of 6 members and the Mayor, who each serve for a 4 year term. The At Large member represents all of Northfield.


  • Brad Ness (Incumbent)
  • David Delong

Brad Ness

Candidate Interview:

Brad Ness has not completed the 2024 Candidate Questionaire

David Delong

Candidate Interview:

Please list any current political offices you hold. (if any)

Please list any previous political office you’ve held. (if any)
City Council 2nd Ward 1994 – 2000

Voting Member Nfld Economic Development Authority 1994,1995,1996

City Council 2nd Ward 2013 – 2020

Voting Member Northfield Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals 2016

Please list any civic, community, or professional organizations/clubs your a part of. (if any)
United States Army

Age Friendly Northfield

What qualifies for the office you’re running for?
I meet all local and State requirements to qualify for elective office. In addition I’ve been an employee, an employer. I’ve been a tenant, I’ve been a landlord.  I’ve been a business owner, home owner and property tax payer, I’ve hired and fired people. I’ve observed or been part of City government for many years. I have a natural curiosity, do my own homework and if something isn’t clear I ask questions.

What inspired you to run for office? If you are running for reelection why do you want to stay in office?
The runaway spending and tax levy increases. I have a record of advocating for reasonable levy increases. My last year on the Council the levy increase was 3.7% the minute I was off the Council, the Property Tax Levy increased 11.6% then 18.5% then 9% and a proposed 15.8% this year.

What is something that you would like to accomplish while in office?
Bring spending and tax increases back under control. Maintaining the current physical assets like the NCRC before adding super expensive projects like the Muni.

What does being a leader mean to you?
ALMA – ask, listen meaningfully, adjust. Sometimes having to play devil’s advocate to make sure all voices are represented. If all the people in the room agree someone isn’t doing their job. Making a decision on what’s best for Northfield as a whole.

Frequently voters in Northfield have expressed concerns about the high property taxes. Are you willing to vote for a tax increase? If so what are the criteria you use to justify that increase? 
I would vote yes for a tax increase if it were necessary. It would have to be based on needs versus wants and of a demonstrable benefit to the general welfare of the inhabitants of the city as a whole.

There are several projects facing Northfield (Ice Area, Water Treatment Plant, etc.), how would you prioritize which projects get funding and support? 
Always core city functions first. Needed vs wanted. 

An indoor Ice Arena is not a core function of the City. The City provides numerous recreational rinks.    Bridge Square does not need a 5 million dollar reworking. It needs a little TLLCC, tender loving low cost care like a sprinkler system.  The City does not need a 58 million dollar water treatment plant. It is not a requirement. The Minnesota Department of Health website specifically states it is a Manganese guideline not a requirement. We only exceed the guidelines for manganese for babies under 6 months. We could provide families of newborns glug glug dispensers from Culligan or Cannon Valley Water and save 57 and a half million dollars.

There should be a moratorium on Bike lane construction not a moratorium on the Industrial Park.   Moving the Muni does not make financial sense. 

How would you work to make sure that residents concerns are heard and addressed? 
Once again I would use ALMA  Ask, listen meaningfully, adjust.  I emphasize  listen meaningfully. People are busy and when they do show up you should listen to them not just pay lip service. Ward meetings have been tried in the past, there’s one or two good ones, then the bottom falls out. Most people don’t pay attention till you hit them in the pocketbook. Perhaps the City could do a better Truth in taxation hearing? Instead of charts and graphs we could have more of an itemized list. 

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