By Logan Wells, News Director |

The City of Dundas is working to expand its sidewalk network around County Road 1 and Highway 3. Earlier this month the city council signed a grant agreement with the State of Minnesota, where the state will fund the majority of the project. Currently there is no safe way to cross highway 3 in Dundas, here is City Administrator Jenelle Teppen:

“With the help from our local legislators, we received a grant from the state for $362,000 to complete the trunk, Hwy. 3 County Road 1 pedestrian crossing. So there’s a light at Hwy. 3 and County Road 1 One so that we will be installing pedestrian crossings. You know, the whole flashing light across that right now, there’s not a Safeway to get across Hwy. 3 in Dundas really.” – City Administrator Jenelle Teppen on the KYMN Morning Show
This past Monday, the council took the next step in finalizing the project. The plan would create a network of sidewalks that would run from the Cannon Valley Cinema/Slumberland building down past Tractor Supply to the Dundas Dome and also up to Highway 3 and County Road 1 where a pedestrian crossing would be installed. After working with the property owners, on Monday night the council approved an easement that will allow for a new sidewalk portion near tractor supply.
Construction on the project will take place next year.