Mayoral Candidates Question if the City Should Be in the Liquor Store Business; Several Candidates for City Council Agree

By Logan Wells, News Director |

Among the several projects the City of Northfield is currently exploring is the redevelopment of 5th and Washington Street, including moving the Municipal Liquor Store. The project has also become one of the many issues in this year’s election. At the Northfield Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum held last week, we heard several of the candidate’s opinions and many of the candidates have expressed opposition to or hesitation with the project. Additionally, Both candidates for Mayor expressed interest in privatizing the Liquor Store.  

Candidate for Mayor Ruth Dahl expressed a firm opposition to the project:

“I mean it. It’s just not a good idea. I don’t think we need to be in the liquor business. We cannot compete with the very large providers in the South metro area nor the good sellers who are South of us. They’re much better at doing that business than we are. We should be out of that business.” – Ruth Dahl at the Northfield Chamber of Commerce Forum

Dahl did express some interest in a possible parking structure at the site, noting the high interest among downtown businesses and shoppers for space in the area. Mayoral candidate Erica Zweifel expressed excitement for the area’s development and as an opportunity to add to the tax base. Zweifel noted that the council had been debating the issue of Liquor Stores since her time on the council:

“When I was on the Council earlier, I was on the a liquor store committee that looked on the return of investment for a new liquor store. It wasn’t there. I’m not convinced that it’s there now. And so I think we should really take a step back and ask ourselves, should the city be in the liquor store business.” – Erica Zweifel at the Northfield Chamber of Commerce Forum

Zweifel expressed support for housing as part of the redevelopment project, citing the ability for residents to walk to all of downtown’s amenities. 

Almost all of the City Council candidates are opposed to the project. Peter Dahlen, the only Candidate for the Council in Ward 3, stated that private developers could complete the area’s redevelopment more effectively than the city. David Delong, a candidate for the At Large City Council seat, similarly noted that “if the project was so great, why were there no interested developers.” Brad Ness, the incumbent for the At Large seat, expressed interest in seeing the final proposal and cost for the project before making a final decision. The candidates for Ward 2 had the most prominent disagreements. Chad Beumer was also firmly against any new project involving the Liquor Store.

I’ve stated this few times. I think it’s time for the city to get out of the liquor business altogether. I would not support any plan at 5th and Washington that includes a liquor store.” – Chad Beumer at the Northfield Chamber of Commerce Forum 

Beumer stated that he did not believe the projected sales to be accurate and doubted the new store would see as big of an increase as expected. Emy Farley expressed interest in the project and would like to see where it goes:  

So I am in support of this project, but I think it’s important to say that the design has not been finalized yet and so anything that we’re looking at at this point would still likely be amended. So I think supporting it means that I’m in support of seeing where the exploration goes to me.” – Emy Farely at the Northfield Chamber of Commerce Forum

She stated that privatizing the liquor store would result in the city losing money because property taxes would contribute less than what the liquor store currently contributes to the city.

You can listen to the full recordings of the Chamber of Commerce candidate forum here

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