By Logan Wells, News Director |
Recently, KYMN hosted an in-studio forum between the candidates for State House 58A, DFL Incumbent Kristi Pursell and Republican challenger Rita Hillmann Olson. The forum was an hour and 45-minute conversation about many different topics in Minnesota State Politics.
Locally, District 58A is a rural and farming district with farming surrounding all the cities in the district. When asked how the state legislature can help farmers, Hillmann Olson stated that she wanted to see better inclusion of their opinions:
“I believe that we really need to bring farmers to the table. We need to really make sure that they’re involved in the discussion to make sure that. We listen to what they’re saying and and what kind of innovation that they’re doing.” – Rita Hillmann Olson on The Northfield Candidate Show

Pursell noted that farmers had seen some of the most significant impacts of climate change and signaled her support for environmental programs in the state:

“At the state we had a we have a program. I think the monies. More than, like, quadruple asked for than what we’ve provided to be able to help people buy equipment like to do no till or to do strip till or to do these soil health. Saving measures and we know that that benefits all of us. So I feel like that’s a great use of our Tax payer dollars.” – Kristi Pursell on The Northfield Candidate Show
Another issue discussed was bipartisanship in the state legislature; Pursell cited a farming bill that she had worked on with a Republican colleague in the state legislature and her experience from the bill:
“Folks in my party aren’t always that excited about my working bipartisan only, and now it seems like folks on the other side of the aisle are not excited about working bipartisan only with me either. So I’m a little perplexed. But I’ll say. I don’t care where the idea originates from. If it’s a good idea and people are on board with my idea or I’m on board with their idea.” – Kristi Pursell on The Northfield Candidate Show
Hillmann Olson focused on the end of the last legislative session and the way the Omnibus bill was passed
“This big omnibus bill was coming through before the legal ending of the session and Got through there. Had to be some deal making going on in the back room. I just don’t believe that Minnesotans were served very well with that type of process. And I I don’t believe that’s what Minnesotans want. I certainly don’t. I hope we never see anything like that again, because I don’t believe any voices. I shouldn’t say any. I don’t believe most voices were heard during that process.” – Rita Hillmann Olson on The Northfield Candidate Show
The debate also covered taxes and the budget surplus, abortion rights, and gun control. You can listen to the full forum here