By Logan Wells, News Director |

(Picture courtesy of Rice County)
Rice County’s Safe Road Coordinator, Kathy Cooper, was recently honored for decades of advocacy. Cooper, who has served as Rice County’s Safe Roads Coalition coordinator since 2007, received the Kathy Swanson Outstanding Service Award from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
The award “recognizes an individual who has shown exceptional leadership in efforts to improve traffic safety in Minnesota, build partnerships, and mentor others in the field. This individual will also have demonstrated a long-term passion, dedication and commitment to reducing the number of deaths and injuries resulting from crashes on Minnesota roads.”
According to a statement from Rice County, Cooper was a pivotal force in Minnesota’s battle to reduce unbelted fatalities, spending countless hours working side-by-side with researchers, traffic safety professionals and law enforcement, and meeting with legislators at the capitol, advocating for and assisting with efforts to institute the primary seat belt law — which took effecton June 9, 2009, which was the 10-year anniversary of her daughter’s death from a car accident in which she was not wearing a seatbelt.
Cooper has also helped establish the county’s Safe Roads Coalition as well as Rice County’s JOYRIDE sober cab program, which runs annually during Northfield’s Defeat of Jesse James Days. She also assists with coordinating mock crashes, impact speakers, and safety fairs at area high schools and has partnered with law enforcement to coordinate and host traffic safety education efforts at the Rice County Fair.
“She’s our motivator and biggest supporter, always reminding us that our work as law enforcement and as a coalition – telling drivers to buckle up, drive the speed limit and put away distractions — makes a real difference in people’s lives. For that, we’re all very grateful.” said Rice County Sheriff Jesse Thomas.
From everyone at KYMN Radio, congratulations, Kathy on this well-deserved award and thank you for your years of service.