By Logan Wells, News Director |

With President-Elect Donald Trump set to be sworn in in under two weeks in Washington D.C., the new policies his administration is proposing regarding immigration and local community leaders are beginning to respond to the issue. Northfield Police Chief Jeff Schroepfer noted that he has received several questions and emails about the issue of immigration since November. Chief Schroepfer stated the department’s policy on undocumented immigrants:

“In short, our stances of police work we’re not getting involved.” – Northfield Police Chief Jeff Schroepfer on the KYMN Morning Show
He noted that the department has policies that prohibit them from getting involved, which is common for many other law enforcement agencies in Minnesota. When a Northfield police officer comes in contact with an undocumented immigrant, Chief Schroepfer said the policy is to treat them just like any other person:
So even if I’m arresting you for, say, a misdemeanor-level offense like DWI or something like that, we don’t notify immigration. We don’t handle it any differently. So there’s nothing done. There’s not like I’m making a phone call and notifying immigration that, hey, we arrested them.” – Northfield Police Chief Jeff Schroepfer on the KYMN Morning Show
Chief Schroepfer noted that the one exception is with violent crimes which are reported. The police chief stated that he is willing to answer any questions from the community about the department’s policies and to reach out to him to learn more.
You can find the police chief’s contact info here.