Today’s news update – Special Ed Cooperative “it’s own school district”; Fire Safety training “a true success”; Weitz Center hosts “Sense and Nonsense: Clinton, Trump and the media in 2016”


Special Ed Cooperative “it’s own school district”

This is the first year of the Cannon Valley Special Education Cooperative.  Cheryl Hall, Northfield School District Director of Special Services, also serves as the Director of the newly formed Cooperative.  The CVSEC includes Northfield, Faribault, Owatonna and Medford and serves students with a high level of special needs.  Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said this is essentially a new school district.  He added that right now they have programming at all three sites and they’re still looking for Educational Assistants.  If you’re interested in that kind of work

you can go to the Northfield School district website for more information and apply.  Hillmann added that whenever you start something brand new there are a number of items that continue to be addressed.  With brand new staff and brand new students Hillmann says you can expect some transitioning.  The key thing is that they’re really pleased with staff they’ve hired.  He said they’re really pleased with the leadership of the people coordinating those buildings and with the work of Cheryl Hall and Rob Diener the Director from Faribault in instrumenting the process. There will always be work to do but he’s pleased at what they’ve accomplished so far.  Hillmann said the needs of the students vary widely, there’s an individual education plan for each.  He says it’s very exciting to be able to give some real high quality programming to students who really need it.  Northfield is the fiscal host for the Cooperative.  Their goal is to be self-sustaining in 5 years.

Fire Safety training “a true success”

The first ever joint Fire Safety Training with St. Olaf and Carleton College students took place last week.  NAFRS firefighters set up a staged smoke-filled hallway and gave fire extinguisher training to resident assistants and others.  Firefighter Josh Hall and Carleton representative Elisabeth Hasse helped to organize the event.  Haase said the training was a true success in multiple ways including excellent collaboration between the entities.  Haase said they had numerous comments (especially from St. Olaf students) that this was the first time they had fired an extinguisher, adding that Carleton has been doing this training for a few years.  The cost was split between the colleges.  With the success, they will likely do the training every other year.  I have posted lots of pictures on courtesy of NAFRS.  According to Carleton’s Clery Report there were no fire calls in the previous 3 years.  

Weitz Center hosts “Sense and Nonsense: Clinton, Trump and the media in 2016”

Carleton College will host a panel on the upcoming presidential election, “Sense and Nonsense: Clinton, Trump, and the media in 2016,” on Monday evening from 7 to 8:30.  The event features four of the most prominent journalists covering the election.  John Harris ’85, editor-in-chief of Politico, will moderate the panel which includes St. Olaf graduate Anna Palmer of Politico, James Hohmann of the Washington Post, and Jonathan Martin of the New York Times.  It will be held in Carleton’s Weitz Center for Creativity. This event is free and open to the public, and includes light refreshments at the event’s conclusion. For more information, including disability accommodations, contact the Carleton College Office of College Relations at (507) 222-4309. The Weitz Center is located at Third and College Streets in Northfield.  carleton-harris-politicspanel

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