Today’s news update – Flasher still on the loose; EDA Coordinator to start in December; Nisbit court date to be moved again; Candidate forum dates


Flasher still on the loose

The Northfield Police Department has taken several calls of suspicious activity that are believed to be related. These incidents have occurred since June on both the East and West sides of Northfield. The suspect has approached adult females and asked them questions, sometimes asking for directions. He’s been both on foot and in a vehicle. When the women have engaged the suspect, he’s either exposed himself or asked for a hug, or made some similar request. No one has been physically harmed in these incidents. The suspect is described as a Hispanic/Latino

male, possibly in his 20’s to early 30’s with short black hair and approximately 5’8” or taller.  The vehicle is described as a silver, 4-door sedan, with a Texas License Plate;possibly beginning with the letters, DHY, followed by numbers. If you witness this type of activity: – Please Report Immediately to Northfield Police at 507-645-4475, or 911, depending on the circumstances. Police Chief Monte Nelson’s full press release is online at with safety tips as well.  suspicious-activity-npd-press-release-100516

EDA Coordinator to start in December

The Northfield EDA has finally hired an Economic Development Coordinator.  City Administrator Ben Martig said Nate Carlson has accepted the position and will be starting in early December.  This is a full time dedicated position to assist in implementing programs and more.  The position was redefined after Michelle Merxbauer left.  Her time as the Staff liaison was split between the HRA and the EDA.  Coming under the Community Development department, Director Chris Heineman will work closely with Carlson.  He said the goals for the position come from the Comprehensive Plan and is a supporting role to that.  Carlson will help facilitate moving forward some specific initiatives. He added that the position involves a lot of background work, a lot of front-end research but probably, more importantly, all the follow-up work that happens once a project is moving.  Including grant reporting and financing.  Carlson will also do business visits.

Nisbit court date to be moved again

Jason Nisbit was due in court last month but the Judge became ill and wasn’t able to proceed. An omnibus hearing was scheduled for the 40 year old Faribault man accused of First Degree Murder in the death of 26 year old Chelsea Martinez of Ohio in August of 2015. Rice County Attorney John Fossum said they’re hoping to agree on a date soon but Nisbit’s attorney is a Public Defender with many cases.  Several hearings have been canceled and moved due to a variety of reasons.  In the meantime, Nisbit remains in jail on a $1 million bond and is pleading not guilty.  

Candidate forum dates

There are several candidate forums for State and local offices coming up in Northfield.  The first one taking place this Saturday.  The League of Women Voters is sponsoring the State candidates and the School board candidates beginning at 9am at the Northfield Community Resource Center.  The Chamber of Commerce along with KYMN and the Northfield News will be sponsoring several beginning October 11th at City Hall in the Council Chambers.  I have posted the complete information on  

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