The Northfield Council approved a feasibility study for the 2019 street reclamation projects. Next year they’ll be working on the northwest side of town. Mayor Pownell said this is the “kick off” to the process adding that they intend on focusing on sidewalk gaps as well. The project includes several courts around Zanmiller Dr. and 3rd and 4th streets in the area of Plum and Orchard. Administrator Ben Martig explained, “the good news is usually on the reclaims
there’s not quite as much local disruption because you can get in and out during the project as they put in the sidewalks, as they repair the curbs, as they fix utilities”. It’s not a full reconstruction like there was on Division Street. The action allows staff to develop the street projects on a section-by-section basis and a determine the final project scope. The estimated project cost is just over $2.2 million, which would be funded through assessments, Municipal State-Aid, (MSA) bonding, and utility enterprise funds. The next step is a neighborhood meeting on November 14th. 3 – Location Map – 2019 Street Reclamation For complete information from the City click HERE.
Fossum comments on Faribault Prison and Mass Incarceration
Faribault prison is the largest in the State, with 2,000 inmates. Prison assaults at Oak Park Heights and Stillwater, where a corrections officer was killed, have been making headlines. Rice County Attorney John Fossum said that Faribault had a couple of assaults. The concern is protection for their officers so consequences are important. He said, “Luckily the officers weren’t seriously injured but we also have assaults on other prisoners where the injuries were badly injured and so those cases are working their way through the system right now”. Fossum said, prison’s a dangerous place and if they ignore the assaults it becomes more dangerous because prisoners then think they can get away with it. Fossum has written a column on Mass Incarceration, what that term means, how Minnesota compares to other states and what MN sentencing guidelines are. What is Mass Incarceration by John Fossum
Volunteers Needed
Plenty of people in Rice County still need help. Sheriff Troy Dunn said their Emergency Management Department is managing the Volunteer Coordination. They will meet at the Rice County Fairgrounds tomorrow morning (Sat. Oct. 20th) beginning at 7:30am, “and anybody that can come and work for a couple of hours, 2 to 4 hour shifts and whatever shift works best for you would be great and we’re going to get everybody registered, get them some water and snacks and then we will bus them out to the locations where we still have clean up. There’s a lot of people that still need assistance”. They plan for work shifts to 4pm. Call 1-833-643-7423 to register and give your name and time you can help, they need to know how many people to expect, so please call. Bring sturdy footwear, gloves and rakes. Listen to Dunn’s full interview . Northfield Shares is also looking for volunteers for this weekend and next. Go to Northfieldshares.org.