What do Police Reserves do? Northfield Police Officers Ryan Bollig and Brent Feldhake stopped by the KYMN studios to talk about that. Bollig said they depend on them frequently with special events such as DJJD, St. Olaf Christmas concert, hockey games and more, assisting with crowd and traffic control. They also go on ride alongs. Bollig said they’re a “safety net” if you while, a 2nd set of eyes. He added that the opportunities are endless. Officer Brent Feldhake, an Advisor for the Reserves said you don’t have to have a background in law enforcement, although many do. They’d like to see a balance of both. You receive training, including how to use pepper spray and other tactics they have. The Reserves are all volunteer. And they just honored their Reserve Officer of the Year, Ashley Burk. Bollig said, “she was exceptional between her administration hours, event hours and ride along hours, she
put in a lot of time”. He stressed that, “not only is she putting in the time, she’s volunteering the time”. She also recently became a Sergeant. Josh Rich has been a Reserve Officer for over a decade and he was just promoted to Captain, the highest rank held in the Reserves. Feldhake was a Reserve for 4 years, he said it was a great way to get your foot in the door and get some experience. If you’re interested in being a part of the Reserves, there’s an application is on the City’s website. If you have questions, contact information for Officers Bollig and Feldhake is online with the application. Reserve of the year press release (1)
NAFRS names Firefighter of the year – look for the full story tomorrow
From police to fire, NAFRS just held their annual banquet recognizing years of service and their Firefighter of the Year, Darrin Stowe. Born and raised in Northfield, Stowe has dedicated his life to service. We’ll hear much more from him tomorrow with the full story including recognition of years of service. Listen beginning at 6am.
Lippert asks for $ for Roberds Lake cleanup
As winter moves out, local folks will be renewing cleanup efforts from the tornadoes last September. The Roberds Lake area was hit very hard. Representative Todd Lippert said there’s still roof and boat dock debris in the lake and it’s going to be a safety concern when folks start getting out on the lake. His bill requests $100,000 for the DNR for cleanup. Additionally, Lippert has a listening session in Northfield tomorrow night beginning at 7 o’clock at the Alumni Guest House at Carleton College.
City rolls out Public engagement tool
The City of Northfield is asking for public input on community survey questions using Polco, a public engagement platform. Residents can participate by downloading the Polco app on your mobile device or visiting the City’s web page. Polco Press Release 2.8.19 (1) Check our Community News page… For more information contact Communications & Human Resources Director Michelle Mahowald at (507) 645-3012 or email michelle.mahowald@ci.northfield.mn.us