Last Monday, the Dundas City Council voted to approve the 2025 Budget and Tax Levy, an increase of 5.18%. The council voted to keep the city tax rate the same, which means that a household would only see an increase in their city taxes if their house value increased; here’s City Administrator Jenelle Teppen:
If there has been no increase in the assessed values of a property Dundas residents would likely see a slight reduction in their annual property tax payment for 2025.” – Dundas City Administrator Jenelle Teppen on the KYMN Morning Show
Teppen noted that likely most home values in Dundas increased this last year.
The main change in the budget was increased fire department expenses, which were primarily driven by equipment purchases. The cost of maintaining streets and parks has also increased, fueling parts of the increase. The city also added two new season positions, one for the Streets Department and one for the Parks Department.
A Budget Memo Indicating some of the main items behind the increase in the budget. From the 12/9/2024 City Council Packet
The general fund by department. From the 12/9/2024 City Council Packet
By department, the Police Department makes up 30% of the budget, general government makes up 22%, highways and streets make up 14%, and fire protection makes up 7%.
The sewer and water funds are increasing because of planned infrastructure improvements, including upgrading one of the city’s lift stations, the water main line from Millstone Lane to Hester Street, and the sanitary sewer line replacement at Schilling Road.
Additional Documents About The Budget:
The 2025 Dundas Budget Overview. From the 12/9/2024 City Council Packet
Two charts showing the Dundas taxes since 2021 and that increases in taxes have been caused largely by market values increasing and not the tax rate increasing. From the 12/9/2024 City Council Packet
Estimations from the city about the amount of taxes paid for different homes. From the 12/9/2024 City Council Packet
Also voted on at the meeting was to adjust the city’s schedule, which includes items like building permits and utility bills. The only increases were related to the water and sewer projects Dundas is taking on next year, including an increase in the water and sewer portions of the utility bill. As well as implementing licensing fees for cannabis retail businesses.
See more details about the fee’s in 2025 below: