At the last school board meeting, Principal Nancy Antoine of Bridgewater Elementary and Principal Sam Richardson of Greenvale Elementary both gave presentations showcasing the past school year and focus areas for the next year.
At both schools, they noted their family engagement programs have improved. At Greenvale, Pizza with the Principle was a popular event where parents could interact with school leadership. Additionally, each grade level hosted its own events for parents to come into the school and work beside their students. At Bridgewater, the school hosted breakfast with parents and book days where students and parents read books together; both events were positively received. At Bridgewater, Antoine talked about the new Bridges Math Curriculum that was piloted last year and received positive feedback. At Greenvale, Richardson noted the MCA Reading Scores of 5th Graders had improved greatly in part because of the school’s efforts to provide more support through small group instruction and individualized online lessons from Reading Plus. Richardson also noted the positive effect the new Greenvale building was having on students learning:

“The pod spaces do provide ample space. It feels like there’s plenty of space to meet with students and so that also allows us to provide smaller groups or individual support for students that maybe was a little bit more difficult in narrow hallways before.” – Princple of Greenvale Elementary Sam Richardson at the 9/23/2024 School Board Meeting
Looking towards this school year, at both Bridgewater and Greenvale, they are implementing a new math curriculum for the whole school and training teachers in a new program called the Science of Reading.
You can find copies of both presentations below: